Monday, January 3, 2011


Mike and I have what I call technolust.  No, it's not a love for techno music.  It's a love of technology and even more than that, an urge to purchase every new technology as soon as it comes out.  So when I was scrolling through the Mashable blog today and came across a new technology being announced soon from Toshiba, I had to forward it on to Mike, who in turn was just as excited as I was.  What is this new piece of technology?  It's a tablet similar to the iPad but soooooooo much better.  It doesn't have a name yet but it is sure to impress once it arrives on the market.  What makes this tablet so awesome is that it runs on the Android operating system, has USB ports, front and back video cameras, and has a rubbery backing to prevent it from slipping in your hands.  Here is more info.  This is getting so close to what I think would be the ultimate technology: one that would incorporate every gadget that currently weighs down my purse into one device.  Here is what my perfect tablet would include:
  • a screen that allows you to either have the glossy effect for movie watching and picture viewing but also allow you to turn off the gloss when reading an ebook (not sure if this is even possible)
  • bluetooth capability so that it would work as a phone but using a wireless earpiece so you aren't holding up a huge device to your head (although that would be kind of funny to see)
  • a kick-butt still camera and video camera
  • tons of free apps optimized for the big screen size
This way I could stop carrying around so many devices.  At this moment I have the following in my purse, including various battery chargers for these gadgets: Sony Ebook Reader, Digital Camera, iPod Touch, and my regular cellphone.  No wonder the airport security guys look at the x-ray machine strangely when my bag passes through.  It must look like I am getting ready to assemble an intricate bomb.  So technology companies, if you are listening please put together a product with all of these things and you will have my attention and money immediately.

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