Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm Home!

Actually I have been home for a few days but I just got a chance to sit down to write this post after trying to catch up at work and getting past a cold that kept me in bed for most of the weekend. Although I had a fabulous time in San Diego, I am so glad to be home. The weather was cooler there than I had expected- didn't I hear somewhere that San Diego is eighty degrees all year long? I guess not since it was in the fifties and sixties the whole time. The conference was very informative, especially the full day pre-conference I attended on Friday and it was so amazing to actually be there live when the Newbery and Caldecott award winners were announced. Since our flight was canceled because of the snow in Atlanta, we had an extra day to go to the San Diego zoo on Monday. The best part about the zoo was seeing the polar bears playing underwater. I even got this great video of this with my phone:

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