Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Heading to San Diego

I will be flying out to San Diego tomorrow for the American Library Association Midwinter Conference and will be returning late Monday night.  So although I won't be writing any blog posts, I will be posting on my Facebook and Twitter accounts.  I normally feel completely re-energized and full of new ideas when coming back from a conference so I'm hoping this will happen again.  It would definitely be a welcome feeling right now.

I won't go into the details as to why I am so happy to see 2010 behind us but let's just say it sucked.  Like, really sucked.  But this year is looking up already because Mike just landed a huge project with his cabinet company that will give him work for the next four or five months and I was called back for a second interview for the Library Director position at my library.  My interview is next Friday so start saying those prayers and crossing your fingers for me.  This is something I feel I have worked very hard for and would be thrilled to be given the chance to take on the role.

Now back to doing laundry and getting organized for my trip.  I will be leaving the packing until tomorrow morning though, hence the need for doing the laundry.

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