Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Flowers in Florida in November

My mom, dad, and I took a trip to the Heathcote Botanical Gardens this afternoon and it was so nice to see so many flowers still in bloom. It's still taking some time to realize that things still bloom down here in the winter, unlike in NY. Here are some pictures I took there:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Favorite Authors

I have two favorite authors that up until recently were not very well known and to tell you the truth, I liked it better that way. I started reading Cecelia Ahern before her first novel was turned into a movie:

I have yet to see the movie, not because I'm afraid I won't like it as much as the book (although this is usually the case- not many directors can compete with our own imaginations) but because Mike is a tv hog and doesn't feel like watching the movie. So I have to wait for a time when I have the tv all to myself to watch it.

Cecelia Ahern is coming out with a new book this spring but since she is now more popular I am going to have to wait on a long list of holds at the library:

My other favorite author who has become more and more popular is Jane Green. She writes really cute chick lit books that are based in both England and New England. Actually one of her books reminds me a lot of the movie The Holiday with Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz.

For anyone who is looking for a place to track what they are reading now, what they've read, and what they would like to read in the future, check out Shelfari. You can see my bookshelf of what I'm reading now on the left column of the blog.

The Zoo

I'll start by introducing my own little zoo at home. Amazingly they all get along very well and like to play with each other although sometimes a little too rough. Curtis, the cat, bruised his nose by wrestling too much with Angel, the beagle. Sonny, the cockatoo, doesn't necessarily care for Curtis but I don't blame him when you have a cat stalking you around every corner. Baloo, the black lab, is the sweetest and most well behaved of the bunch so he naturally gets picked on by all the others. We also have fish but I was told at some point that taking flash pictures of fish can blind them so I'm going to pass on taking their pictures.

So here are the animals that run the house:





At this point, I would need a bigger house to expand this brood anymore. Of course that doesn't mean I can't get a pet that lives someplace else, such as....... a horse. =) Then again maybe not.
